There are six different brain waves are measured each serving a different function. A normal waking adult tends to be in heightened state of low and mid beta. That is 15 to 18 Hz and 18 to 32Hz, or 18 to 32 cycles per second, which enables us to be alert and to concentrate on day to day tasks at home and work.
If we experience high levels of stress we are in a state of high beta (32-38 Hz), the higher level brainwave frequency of Gamma, rises at the time of trauma happening and facilitates with the encoding of the trauma onto the surface of the cell. Carrying an intensity of stress neurochemicals, they make us focus acutely in and on problems with the protective intention to manage those problems.
Chronic states of stress can result in overwhelm and distress associated with recurring patterns of high beta brainwaves, over time becoming habitual. The side effect of spending too much time in high beta is the ongoing release of stress hormones day and night (including adrenalin and cortisol) resulting in a survival bodily responses. It involves suppression of the immune system and digestion(10), increasing heart beat and blood pressure and narrowing of the eyes gaze to focus in and on the problem, or danger, to be resolved. There is also evidence of the impact of stress on the liver(11).
In states of heightened stress the body prepares much the same as it does when it is in a state of danger causing an underlying unsafe feeling right across the nervous system, felt in certain places like butterflies in the gut and tension headaches.
"Many people don't start thinking about their brain health until they notice some cognitive changes and memory loss in their 60s or 70s," Elise Caccappolo, PhD, an associate professor of neuropsychology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York(13)
Indeed if stress becomes too chronic in the workplace it can contribute to dis-ease in the gut, heart, back or brain. This is why the topic of workplace stress is so important and employers are somewhat responsible for setting a safe and positive environment that should be designed for longterm wellbeing.