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Turn Over A New L.E.A.F.®


your resilience coach & Havening Techniques Practitioner/trainer


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Jan Carpenter, co-author, writes about our L.E.A.F. model and 3 people he has helped enhance their lives.

Click on the book to purchase your ebook or hard copy.

One to one Havening  sessions

121 session to enhance your emotional resilience? 

Anxiety, night terrors, panic, pain, phobia's, burnout, auto-immune reactions, acute or chronic stress and other trauma related emotional conditions can be removed or eased permanently, particularly if 4 conditions are met. Book a short call to find out if these 4 conditions are relevant to you. 

'Neuroscience of Fear and how to let go of it' 

A unique 2 hour workshop for the Social Care and Health Sector

Find out how to shed survival fear based emotions and build towards your resilient and flourishing you 


Do you want to more easily shift unwanted emotions and related thought patterns?

To let-go of emotions causing stress, anxiety, chronic pain?  To sleep better, to feel emotionally lighter, to feel more resilient.

Find out what people are saying?

Add a string to your bow - Become a Certified havening techniques practitioner

Are you curious about Havening Techniques? About starting or deepening your practice of this neurobiological approach and its effect on stressful and traumatic memory, resilience and wellbeing?

Join us on our Havening Techniques Practitioner Certification Training starting 

Self-Havening Workshop

Develop greater resilience in the mind and neuroplasticity.

A 4 Hour Workshop: Learn How To Use Self-Havening Techniques To Empower Your Emotional Resilience And Build A Healthy Neural-garden

Post Workshop Havening video
Havening works! - 1 year on
21 April 2020

Watch some videos and Register to watch others


Image by Artem Maltsev

Workshop participant

This was so much needed in my life right now, I’ve been struggling for a while now and particularly due to stress frustration and burnout. The techniques suggested by Jan and the co host were so useful. I will be employing them into my day to day life!!!

About our workshops

90% of participants said they would recommend or highly recommend the workshops

David Pitcher,  Client

I felt immediately at ease, listened to and understood. Jan proved he has the tools to help me deal with a number of very old issues which surfaced after the first had been dealt with promptly. I unreservedly recommend him.

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