A blend of Coaching, Havening and Brain Training technology and NeuroSelfCare mobile app to empower yourself to develop and sustain resourceful states of 'flow' usually attained by professional athletes.
'Havening Techniques ® engages our inherent biological systems to permanently heal, strengthen and empower our minds and bodies'
Coaching is a goal oriented approach which provides a set of tools to enable extra-ordinary outcomes in what ever you set your mind to.
Neuro Linguistic programming brings together the following areas:
Neurology - Optimising the mind and improve how we think
Linguistics - Using effective language to ourselves and others to improve outcomes
Programming - improving the sequence of our actions to achieve best outcomes

The root of all our thoughts, feelings and behaviour are the electrical impulses between the community of 100 billion neurons in our brain. Our brain is the powerhouse of our entire body and brain.
Neurofeedback, aka brainwave training, gives us awareness into the status of our brainwaves. Brainwave training helps us be more accountable in identifying the causes and making performance and wellbeing enhancing adjustments.
We use Focusband as our preferred brain wave assessment tool. Used by top golfers and athletes with great success. Its also an effective tool to help alleviate stress and mental health conditions and build our resilience.
Our busy modern lives has made chronic stress a norm. So many of us don't realise how damaging it is for us. Unconsciously our body and mind do however. Pay closer attention to you bio-feedback and respond to prevent your mind and body involuntarily going into fight or flight mode. When in this mode for too long we are enduring chronic stress and toxic chemicals are release through out bodily system. Our immune and digestive system is suppressed, our heart beats faster, we see more of our 'shadow side' of our personality come out, we tend to have less empathy and compassion for others, become more self-critical and self centred and more likely to develop addictive type behaviours.